You see how your taxi comes in real time.Simply select the start and end address. No need to create Acuna or share on social networks, but only to select the desired destination.Ordering a taxi with only two buttons !!! Your order is accepted and processed by our dispatchers, then you see what is your taxes where they are in coin, how long will it to you and how it comes to you. When placing the order, you can select different requirements such as the car passes a dirt road, carry zhivitni to has a large trunk or station wagon and a bunch of others. You can also write directly to our dispatchers via our chat system in real time.How to call a taxi?1. Put the green marker in the middle of the screen on the URL from which you want to travel. If you are unsure where you are, you must activate your gps.And press "gps position" after which it press "start address."2. You put the green marker on the address to which you want to travel and press "end address".Setting the destination address and details about the charge is to your liking and is not mandatory.Your chosen addresses are stored in the application and can be used as shortcuts in next order.Living tarisfa for passengers of Lassie fees 0.79lv / km and 0.24lv one minute stay.Night fare for passengers of Lassie fees 0.89lv / km and 0.36lv one minute stay.In zabrveni belongings in a taxi, vaziknali problems during the execution of your order, incorrect or improper attitude of our leaders please contact us at tel: 052/610 216, e-mail address
[email protected] or find us on facebook .Thank you in advance.Pleasant trip with Lassie fees 052 500 000, 0897/500 000, 0879/500 000 0889/510